Unconventional Tips for Unique Wide-Angle Nature Photos (VIDEO)

Last week we featured an interesting tutorial demonstrating why every landscape shooter should experiment with telephoto lenses, and the camera settings and techniques that deliver uncommon images in the field. We’re following up on that today with five unconventional methods for capturing unique wide-angle photographs in ways you may not have tried in the past.

Utah based instructor Austin James Jackson belongs to new generation of landscape photographers with a unique vision and a willingness to explore a variety of new techniques. As he says, “The wide-angle lens is one of the most popular and enjoyable tools for landscape photography but creating jaw-dropping images with it isn’t as easy as you think.”

In this eight-minute episode Jackson demonstrates five straightforward techniques for shooting compelling wide-angle photos in the field. Jackson is specifically referring to ultra-wide lenses that he defines as anything wider than 20mm. However, most of what you’ll learn translates equally to less extreme wide-angle focal lengths.

Jackson illustrates these techniques with a variety of beautiful photos, most of which were captured at focal lengths between 14mm and 18mm. He kicks off the episode with an oft-ignored method that’s one of his favorites; namely, using wide-angle distortion to your advantage rather than trying to avoid it.

He explains the concept like this: “Anything in the center of an image will appear fatter and a lot more rounded, while things on the edges of the frame with appear stretched.” Hence, architectural photographers often prefer tilt-shift lenses because they enable them to adjust perspective and keep lines straight. Jackson demonstrates how to use this distortion to advantage with whatever wide-angle lens you own.

Another simple trick for eye-catching imagery involves what Jackson refers to as “not forcing a foreground when there isn’t anything interesting close to the camera.” In other words, including an overly busy foreground can actually make an image worse by diverting attention from the most compelling elements in the frame.

As the video proceeds, you’ll learn other conventional wisdom to avoid, why thin lens filters are a must, and how attention to detail factors into the equation. Bottom line: It takes a bit of finesse to produce portfolio-quality landscape photos with your trusty wide-angle lens.

Jackson’s instructional YouTube channel is a great resourse for landscape shooters who want to elevate their skills, so be sure to take a look when you have time to explore.

And don’t forget to watch the tutorial mentioned above so you’ll understand how to switch things up by experimenting with a telephoto lens for landscape photographs that break the mold.

Sony FE 16mm f/1.8 G Review: Worthwhile Compromises for Compactness

A camera lens with a hood sits on a wooden surface. The brand name appears on the lens. A detached lens cap lies nearby. Text on the bottom left reads "PetaPixel Reviews.

Alberta, Canada, has been pounded by polar vortex after polar vortex, pushing daytime temperatures down to -25 Celsius before any wind chill factors in. As Alberta-born Canadians, Jordan and I can brave the frigid temperatures for the sake of the show, but with our lavalier microphones refusing to hold a charge and our camera EVFs running at eight frames per second, we pressed on to review a fascinating little lens on what we knew would be a taxing day.

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Unlock Backlight Effects for Epic Nature & Wildlife Photos (VIDEO)

Most beginning photographers are taught to shoot will the sun at their back and avoid composing scenes with the sun behind their subject. While that technique is super easy, it often results in photos that could best be described as snapshots.

Today we’ll encourage you to be more inventive and creative by switching up your vantage point and experimenting with backlighting for a far more artistic look. Here’s how instructor Shelley Pearson summarizes today’s six-minute tutorial: “In this video I dive into the magic of backlighting in bird and wildlife photography, sharing essential techniques for creating stunning, dramatic effects.”

The value of everything you’ll learn is equally valuable for other genres as well, whether you’re shooting a landscape with an important inanimate object in the frame, making dynamic environmental portraits, or even shooting on the street. Pearson is a longtime Australian pro whose goal is “to share my love of photography, wildlife, and the natural world—with tips, techniques, and insights for photographers of all skill levels.”

Pearson covers a lot of ground in less than six minutes, so we suggest being prepared to jot down a few notes for future reference. Thoughtful composition is a big part of the process, and she describes how to identify perfect backlight for breathtaking images. Her tips include how to modify your vantage point and employ unusual camera angles to accentuate these backlit effects.

She explains how to “play with exposure; namely, when to go lighter or darker depending upon the specific scene at hand. Another important topic is understanding the best methods for creating captivating bokeh and rim light around a subject for images with a very unique appearance.

You’ll want to configure the camera in a way that differs from when conventional photography is the name of the game, and Pearson walks you through all the important settings. She also describes the best times of day for getting the job done to perfection, and how to use your newfound skills to capture dramatic silhouette photos.

Take a look at Pearson’s instructional YouTube channel once the video concludes for more helpful tips and techniques from down under.

And on a related note, be sure to watch a tutorial we featured earlier with another accomplished pro who demonstrates the finer points of creating spectacular silhouette photographs, with camera settings, exposure metering, shooting techniques, and more.

Use Intentional Overexposure for Dramatic Photos Like This (VIDEO)

We frequently share expert advice for getting the light right to make images with perfectly balanced tones from light to dark and everything in between. This tutorial from the PHLOG Photography YouTube channel demonstrates an unconventional approach for creating stunning landscape images like the one you see above.

The concept involves using masks to selectively overexpose specific portions in the frame, while leaving other areas untouched—a straightforward technique for transforming ho-hum mages into those that really grab attention.

Instructor Christian Mohrle begins with a drab, unimpressive, minimalist shot, and we encourage you to follow along in real time by downloading his sample Raw file with a link in the description beneath the 12-minute video. It’s all about using Lightroom to introduce an eye-catching light effect with a realistic look that stands out from the crowd.

Mohrle explains the interesting process like this: “Usually for scenes like this I’d begin by merging an HDR to maximize all the details in both highlights and shadows. In this case, however, I want to keep clipping the highlights on purpose to introduce dramatic light entering the frame behind the subject.”

The good news is there’s sufficient information in the shadows to restore detail in all of those areas. Mohrle always kicks of his workflow with a few global adjustments that provide him with a solid base image from which to work. For this shot he increases exposure, opens the shadows to reveal a bit more detail in the trees, and drops the blacks for the heightened contrast he desires.

Other preliminary enhancements include using Lightroom’s Highlights slider to precisely refine the amount of clipping for a softer transition, increasing Texture, and gently dropping Clarity and Dehaze to accentuate the atmospheric look with an appealing glow in the upper left of the frame. He also increases Vibrance and Saturation, and modifies White Balance by boosting color temperature to introduce significantly warmer tones.

Today’s magic begins once Mohrle’s base image is complete and he now turns to local enhancements with masks, thoughtful color grading, and very careful sharpening. He then demonstrates how to remove a few distracting sensor spots that compromise image quality. We trust that you’ll be duly impressed once you evaluate his before/after examples.

The PHLOG Photography YouTube channel is full of instructional shooting and post-processing videos of interest to everyone who shoots in the field.

And be sure to watch our timely video that demonstrates eight simple tips that anyone can use to capture perfectly exposed photographs when bright snow covers the landscape.